Operation Iraqi Freedom 解放伊拉克行动
decapitation attack 斩首行动
“shock and awe“ phase 震慑行动(阶段)
weapons of mass-destruction 大规模杀伤性武器
State Department 美国务院
Al-Jazeera TV network 半岛电视台
friendly fire 友军火力伤害
a double 替身
set oil wells ablaze 点燃油井
humanitarian relief 人道主义援助
humanitarian disaster 人道主义灾难
the coalition forces (troops) 联军
3rd Infantry Division (美)第三步兵师
101st Airborne Division (美)101空中突击师
the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment (美)第七骑兵团
1st Marine Expeditionary Force 海军陆战队第一远征军
173rd Airborne Brigade 173空降旅
Iraq’s elite Republican Guard units 伊拉克精锐共和国卫队
Iraqi guerrilla forces 伊拉克游击队
paramilitary groups 准军事力量(非正规军)
regular units 正规军
paratroopers 伞兵