Invalid VxD dynamic link call to device number3,service B.
Your Wdos configuation is invalid.
Run the Wdows setup program again to comect this problem.
HIMEM.sys is missing.
Make sure that the file is in your Widos directony.
将备份数据库还原重启无用, 重新覆盖安装WIN98,出现如下提示:
Standar Mode:Facclt outside of MS-DOS Extender
EC=0000 CS=037F IP=3216 AX=0000 BX=0377 CX=30A0 DX=C280
SI=C27C DI=C27C BP=0FCO DS=0377 ES=0327 SS=027F SP=LF64
Not enough free Extended XMs memory to run setup.